因為神先愛我們 | Because God Loved Us



Read the English version (Because God First Loved Us)

YY 是彩虹工程的本地同工, 從2015年初春的慕道到信主, 又從信主到2017年盛夏的委身服事, 再從酷熱似火爐的重慶,到嚴寒如冰窖的長春/瀋陽, 感恩我們有機會一直陪伴著YY面對人生與服事上的重重挑戰, 突破困境, 走在了主的恩典之路上⋯⋯

大家好, 我是YY, 也是彩虹在本地的同工。

在主耶穌的帶領下2017年來到離家幾千公里的長春, 在這裡服侍自閉症兒童和家庭看著孩子們一天天長大, 很感謝神帶我加入到這個大家庭。



1991年出生的我, 和大多數單身子女一樣, 面臨著被父母催婚的情況。

在這一年裡, 幾乎每次開開心心的和父母通電話, 都是哭著掛電話的; 因為他們擔心我一個人在外, 年紀越來越大, 擔心我成為不婚者, 擔心很多很多, 即使給他們肯定的答復, 依舊給了我很大的壓力, 不得不答應去參加很多的相親。

同時, 我也相信神一定會給我預備那一位真正合祂心意的弟兄, 經過無數次的禱告, 也感謝一直為我婚姻祈禱的弟兄姊妹。

垂聽禱告的神, 總是把最好的留給祂的兒女, 在尋求的過程中, 神也不斷的修復與我父母的關係, 也讓我不斷的認識自己。

2019年7月, 在青年營會上認識了我的老鄉, 也成為了我的老公。

他的出現, 讓我父母再也沒有給我壓力,他們不再逼我回家逼我相親。

神的旨意本是好的, 讓我們在最好的時光遇見彼此, 神一路的保守讓原本不相信異地關係的我, 順利的度過了疫情期間的一年線上約會。

2020年9月, 在神的祝福和弟兄姊妹的祝福下進入婚姻。 

這是我李虎成和鄢艷在神面前的誓約:「 在一生一世的婚姻裡,彼此建立神所喜悅的基督化家庭,一同為福音傾盡此生。」

Because God First Loved Us

Because God First Loved Us

YY is a local co-worker of Rainbow Missions.

From being a seeker in the early spring of 2015 to a follower of Christ, from a Christ’s follower to a Christian worker dedicating herself to serving the Lord in the midsummer of 2017, and from Chongqing where the heat is like a furnace to Changchun/Shenyang where the cold is like an ice cellar, we are grateful that we could be alongside YY to face the many challenges in her life and ministry, break through difficulties, and walk on the path of the Lord’s amazing grace…

Hello everyone, I am YY and I am a local co-worker of Rainbow Missions.

In 2017, our Lord Jesus led me to Changchun, which is thousands of miles away from home, to the ministry of serving autistic children and families here.

Watching the children gradually grow up, I have been very grateful to God for bringing me into this big family.

At the same time, I also serve some visually impaired college students. We have a great time together.

Time flies. 2018 arrived. It was a very difficult year for me.

I was born in 1991, and like most single ladies, I received great pressure from my parents to get married…

During that year, almost every time I happily talked with my parents on the phone, I cried and hung up.

Because they worried about me being alone, getting older and older, Worried that eventually I will remain unmarried. The worried about me in many ways.

Even if I gave them an assurance, they would continue to give me a lot of pressure.

I had to agree to go on many blind dates.

But I believe God would prepare a brother in Christ for me who is after God’s own heart.

After countless prayers –

I also thank brothers and sisters who have been praying for my marriage.

Our God, who listens to prayers, always saves the best for His children, I

in the meantime, god repaired my relationship with my parents, he also taught me more about myself.

In July 2019, I met my fellow countryman at a youth camp and eventually he became my husband.

This made my parents stop putting pressure on me.

They no longer forced me to go home and demanded I go on blind dates.

The will of God is perfect. He led us to meet each other at the best time, God’s protection along the way made me, who did not believe in long distance relationships, enjoy a year of online dating during the pandemic.

On September 19, 2020, we got married with the blessing of God and brothers and sisters in Christ.

This is my pledge made by Li Hucheng and Yan Yan before God;

{ In a lifetime marriage, we committed to build a Christian family pleasing to God. And spend our life together for the Gospel. }