2020 Fundraising Events | 2020 籌款晚會

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Chinese-speaking: Saturday, August 15th, 2020 6pm – 8:30pm at KCAC parking lot (24711 94th Ave S., Kent, WA 98030)

English-speaking: Saturday, August 22th, 2020 6:30pm – 9:00pm at KCAC parking lot (24711 94th Ave S., Kent, WA 98030)

粵語晚會: 2020年8月15日 星期六 下午6時-8時30分在宏恩宣道會的停車場 (24711 94th Ave S., Kent, WA 98030)

英語晚會: 2020年8月22日 星期六 下午6時30分-9時在宏恩宣道會的停車場 (24711 94th Ave S., Kent, WA 98030)

To register: (Deadline is August 7, 2020)
– RSVP: Email to fundraisingdinner@therainbows.org
– Click [maxbutton id=”2″] 
Click this logo to see us at Facebook

登記方法: (截止日期2020年8月7日)
– 敬請回覆: 電郵到 fundraisingdinner@therainbows.org
– 點擊以上 [maxbutton id=”2″]

Dear Rainbow Missions family,
This year Rainbow Missions (RM) is celebrating our 15th Anniversary!  Everyone associated with RM is thankful for the opportunity to help the underprivileged children and their families in China.  Many children have received physical and spiritual care from volunteers who give themselves to help improve the lives of these children.  We also want to thank the many donors for their faithfulness which has enabled us to answer God’s calling!  
COVID19 has impacted the world; many people have lost their lives due to the pandemic and some have lost their businesses.  RM was impacted by the virus too.  Sadly, we had no choice but to cancel two service trips to visit our children.  We are keeping in touch with everyone, but it is not the same as being with them.  Also, due to social distancing, we are canceling our Fundraising Dinners this fall.  However, I am pleased to announce that we will still have a celebration thanking God for His faithfulness to RM!  We are holding a Drive-In event on Saturday, August 22, 2020 from 6:30 – 9:00pm at Kent Chinese Alliance Church parking lot (24711 94th Ave S., Kent).  We will celebrate together from the safety of our vehicles.  
Our theme this year is, “God’s Grace Beyond the Rainbow”.  The event will be like our annual dinner events; we will have music, guest speakers, and fun activities.  More information will come shortly.  Please reserve the date on your calendars and bring your friends.
We look forward to seeing you at the event!
新冠病毒影響了世界,由於世界性的大流行,許多人失去了生命,許多人的經濟陷入了困境。 彩虹工程也不可避免地受到影響。在別無選擇的情况下,我們不得已地取消了今年兩次到國內探訪孩子的短期服務行程。雖然無法親臨相聚,但感恩的是我們仍能透過網絡及本地同工YY,與他們保持緊密的聯繫。另外,由於疫情的不穩定,為保障大家的健康,今年彩虹工程的年度籌款晚宴將以一個嶄新的形式舉行。感謝上帝的恩典!我們定於今年的盛夏, 2020年8月15日(星期六)下午6點在宏恩宣道會的停車場(24711 94th Ave S., Kent).  舉行星光車影籌款晚會。我們將在自己的車輛中,安全地與大家一起慶祝上帝過去十五年,在國內殘障孩子及他們家庭中的奇妙作為。

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