A Spectacular Graduation Ceremony|Rainbow Missions

Written by Rain

Last summer my youngest daughter graduated from her university.  I arrived on campus 90 minutes early that bright, sunny day; it was already crowded with neatly dressed family members and friends. The young and confident graduates in their caps and gowns were interspersed in every direction. Everyone was in high spirits. It was exciting to successfully conclude an important learning phase. At the same time it was also the beginning of another milestone in life. Colorful flowers were everywhere along the tree-lined campus; the bright sun of June flooded the earth with gentleness, shining upon thousand and illuminating youthful hearts.
閱讀中文版 (不一樣的畢業禮).
Finally, the momentous occasion arrived.  Everyone sat down in quiet anticipation.  Honored guests, the master of ceremony, and the graduating students entered and were seated. A familiar name echoed in the air; my daughter smiled at the cheers of relatives and close friends and walked gracefully and confidently to the podium.  Four years of intensive studies led to this shining, momentous occasion.

A few days later, I was on my way to China to attend another graduation ceremony.

Every June, Rainbow Missions sends a short-term service team to several cities in China.  With God’s grace and blessings, we visit families in homes and children in autism centers, organize activities for teachers, parents, caregivers and disabled children, provide training courses, and conduct home visits.  We also visit visually impaired students whom we’ve funded to attend universities and celebrate their graduation by organizing a warm and joyous banquet dinner. We feel it is important and necessary to acknowledge their great achievement because universities not hold graduation ceremonies for their visually impaired students. After three years of hard classroom work, a one- or two-year (each school’s requirement is different) internship in a hospital or clinic, and the completion of other graduation requirements (including thesis), each visually impaired student is notified and receives a diploma from the school office. Then everyone leaves school and goes their separate way. Most of their parents live in remote areas or in other provinces, counties, or cities. Even if they desired to visit their child during graduation time, they generally would not have the time nor the means to travel to the college to offer a celebration.

One of the guiding principles of Rainbow Missions is to provide long-term follow-up — a long-term and caring relationship with each child and their family. We have been sponsoring these students since they were in blind schools. We continue our walk with them by supporting their tuition and living expenses while they attended colleges for the visually impaired.  A Chinese proverb reads “Ten years is like one day, never interrupted.”   Rainbow Missions will continue to visit and support students with disabilities.  In our annual visits, we meet each of them individually. We care about their lives and learning experiences, listen to understand their family situation, and learn more about challenges.  We also share our beliefs and life experiences. We encourage them to continue to work hard but also find the meaning and value of life. To us, they are like our own children. Is there anything more important than their eternal life and hope?  And when they are graduating from college, how can we not be moved or celebrate with them?

Before we depart each June, we carefully purchase special and useful graduation gifts for them. Last year, we prepared a large backpack for each filled not only with many lovely and practical gifts but also our allegiance and deep love.

Last year’s graduation dinner took place in a party room of a nice local restaurant. Attending were the Rainbow Missions team, several graduates, other sponsored students, and some local Rainbow Mission volunteers. We (20-30) sat around an oversized round table.  It was a busy night.  During the banquet, we listened attentively to graduates share stories of struggles and growth. We chatted with them, gave presents, and took pictures. Before parting, we bid fond farewells and expressed our good wishes. We packed delicious food, sealed them with our blessings and led them back to their dormitories.  What a different graduation ceremony!

We are grateful and touched by children and young adults with disabilities who want to learn and succeed in life.  We, by faith and the unconditional love of God, have been able to accompany and support many toward important milestones in their lives. We expect them to continue on their journey. At times, we are concerned about their future.  During those times, however, we recall their perseverance, gratitude, happiness, longing and hope for the future and are encouraged. Although we do not want to part with them, we are pleased and thankful for their efforts and accomplishments.

“I planted and Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:6

Every June, Rainbow Mission sends a short-term service team to China. One of our goals is to hold a special ceremony for visually impaired graduates. We invite you to walk with us and experience a satisfying joy and happiness by giving. If you would like to financially support the service team or donate to help more visually impaired students, you can send a check to Rainbow Missions, PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015.  Please state “Short Term Service STST” in the memo space and provide us your email address. Thank you!




到達校園時,典禮還有差不多九十分鐘才開始,卻已經坐滿了穿戴整齊、盛裝出席、一臉期待的家人和朋友;畢業生們年輕而自信的身影穿插在不同的角落,他們個個神采飛揚,大概是興奮於一個學習階段的圓滿結束,同時也憧憬著生命中另一個嶄新里程的開始吧。鮮花處處、綠樹成蔭,明媚的六月驕陽溫柔和煦地灑滿了大地,也灑落了萬千寵愛,照亮著一顆顆年輕雀躍的心靈 ……

終於,大家都安靜地坐下來;終於,嘉賓、主禮人與一眾畢業同學魚貫入座;終於,空氣中迴響著一個熟悉的名字,女兒在親人好友的歡呼聲中,笑意盈盈、婷婷玉立、落落大方地登上了頒獎臺 ……









記得去年的畢業典禮晚宴,是安排在當地一間不錯的餐廳的一個獨立房間裏舉行的。出席的除了彩虹服務隊一行人、數位應屆畢業生、其他的受助同學,還有當地的彩虹義工等。我們二、三十人就這樣對著一個超大的圓形飯桌圍坐著。那是一個忙碌的晚上。席間,我們忙著用心聆聽畢業同學分享著他們過去幾年在學習與生活上的掙扎與成長,我們忙著在他們的盤子裏加菜,我們忙著給他們送上禮物,我們忙著跟他們拍照留念;臨行前,殷殷叮嚀,一切珍重,同時也忙著把可口的飯菜打包,用濃濃的祝福封存起來,讓他們一起帶回宿舍去 … …





是的,每年六月,彩虹工程都會差派一個短期服務隊到國內,其中的一個目的就是要為應屆的視障畢業生舉辦一個不一樣的畢業典禮。邀請您與我們同行,分享一份能讓您畢生難忘、從給予中獲取的滿足與喜悅。倘若你願意在金錢上支持服務隊或捐款幫助更多視障畢業生,可把支票寄往Rainbow Missions, PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015,請註明「短期服務 STST」及電郵地址。謝謝!