Our Home, Our Brothers|Rainbow Missions

Written by Even

Here the green mountains and green waters are endless, sugarcane fields are beyond where the eyes can see, and China and Vietnam border one other. Living in a first-tier city, I grew up in China but I didn’t know anything about CZ.

閱讀中文版 (我們的家園,我們的兄弟).

With curiosity, I am here. I thought this would be full of 21st century modern amenities with people busily trying to make their house more livable, their cars more luxurious, and their work more decent. I never expected to see so many people struggling to survive. What makes us with the same ancestry and called brothers and sisters, yet see each other as nothing, even participate in a game called the “Jungle Law”, the game of survival of the fittest?

Not anyone as a baby can has a memory when he or she was born. But I always try to recall the time when I opened my eyes and came into the world. I was in a house built from limestone; the bricks on the roof had gaps and light came through a lighting the faces of my parents.  However, soon afterwards I would not have the chance to see them again. My father died young; my mother remarried and left me in the care of my grandparents and relatives. From that time onwards — in the eyes of relatives — I felt I could not do anything that pleased them.  It seemed everything I did was wrong. I began to wonder if I was very annoying. I envied children who had parents who loved them. Gradually, I grew up. I met my wife.  She was willing to marry me, which gave me a glimmer of hope. I had a home with my wife, we were willing to take care of the family, give the children complete love and a warm home.  After my eldest daughter went to elementary school, my wife had a second child. The second daughter, Chun-yu, was born a healthy and lovely child. When she was a half-year-old, she suddenly had a high fever. Epilepsy and cerebral palsy were the sequel of the high fever. When I was notified by the doctor about this, my world collapsed.

Can anyone tell me why this happened? What is wrong with this child?  Even though I was abandoned by my parents, I wished I was the one suffering. Why did my daughter have to experience such misery?

However, life can sometimes be like a gorgeous robe which can be embellished. Life can also be like a flood of beasts, instantly opening the blood basin in front of you with dreadful teeth prepared to swallow you! I had no time to immerse in grief.  I needed to borrow money and look for a hospital and doctor to treat my daughter. However, cerebral palsy would be close to impossible to overcome.  It would take a miracle for the child to take care of herself. My home is in the countryside, I would need to take her to a hospital in the city for treatment, rent a house and pay for medicine, other expenses, and surgery. The expenses were totally out of my capability to afford, just like a mountain hill being placed on my shoulder. When I cautiously asked relatives and neighbors to lend me money, they refused.  I didn’t have much hope, especially when they looked at my daughter as if she were a monster and said my family and I were cursed.  The sky above my head felt like it was getting closer and closer.   I could not breathe. Then someone suggested I abandon Chun-yu, go to a place far away, leave her to die, and go on with life. Giving birth to another, they said, would not only solve the problem quickly but also bring hope. I looked at my wife; her eyes were filled with tears. Chun-yu in her arms, her little hands are soft, warm and close to me, relying upon us completely.  Occasionally she would wake up crying, but as soon as she heard the comforting voice of my wife or me, she would gradually calm down and slept sleep peacefully. This is my child. I can’t abandon her!  With a second, I hesitate. I would be taking care of her for the rest of my life. The family will never live a peaceful life. When we are old, dead, and her sisters are married, who will be willing to take care of Chun-yu?  However, losing her would be unconscionable.   We don’t want to let go.  As long as I am alive, she is my child!

In order to earn money fast, I looked for jobs that could make money immediately as long as the salary was sufficient enough to continue supporting this family. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t offer medical insurance or pension insurance. The continuation of my daughter’s life is most important. So I found temporary construction work at a construction site carrying cement, bricks and building houses. I rushed to the construction site every morning at 6 o’clock. I took two meals at noon and started work immediately. I went home at 9 o’clock in the evening. We can’t rest the entire week. When I got home, I didn’t wouldn’t want to talk, I just wanted to sleep. I’d close my eyes.  But my mind was like a bottle, started to drifting on the ocean, waves came time to time to drown me or push me in every direction with no end and never can reach the shore. My parents left me; my relatives were indifferent; my daughter couldn’t eat every day, talk, or use the toilet;  my eldest daughter’s tuition for school needs to be paid and the rent for the house is due;  my wife can’t work, and she has to look after Chun-yu 24 hours a day; I have to do more work quickly;  although I have little strength and need to move more things, I should be able to be trained to do that. Thinking and thinking, I suddenly found morning has broken. I see the shore clearly, and there is always a hope to reach it. Because of these nightmares, I often couldn’t sleep. But as long as I had the strength, I had to make money. However, physical labor is not something that I can rely upon for a lifetime. One day I will be old when I cannot eat anything. What can Chun-yu do? I need to learn again, master new skills, so I signed up for a car repair class, I hoped to learn new skills, but the car repair factory does not want old people with low academic qualifications.  CZ also has few home appliance repair or car repair shops.  Some are closed because of bad business. Most of the people here, if not elderly, are children. Young people have gone to work in big cities. I don’t know if I can find a better job here to give me more time to spend with my family. But I must work hard until I really can’t work anymore. My wife has always encouraged me and made me more active. had decided to take care of Chun-yu the rest of my life. I saw that Chun-yu had some improvement with the help of An Qi’s home and Angel House. I saw a glimmer of hope. Whenever I think of this, I regain a little bit of energy. I can breathe a little deeper and feel the sunshine and the air around me. I learn that life is like an ocean, and will never be calm. To live on the shore and never touch the water, or to face the ocean, walk on the ocean, it is a choice, and beyond these choices. There is a kind of power that create this world and over this world. It is HIM, our GOD. HE has HIS plan and HIS protection. The world can be beautiful.

I am the father of Chun-yu, the husband of my wife, the father of three daughters. They give me meaning to life as husband and father. My wife is often grateful, thanking God for visiting, comforting, encouraging, and helping us through so many people who we don’t know. This is a great motivation for me to stick to it. They are not leaving, I cannot give up.

……….. The above is the conversation with Chun-yu’s father; I wrote it down with Chun-yu’s father in the first person. When I saw his desire for work, the light shining in his eyes was never seen by people in good times. I hope the Lord is full of mercy and compassion, more help can be given to the family, and more people can pay attention to them and care about their needs. Accept and appreciate one another from the heart; express love with action. The place where we live should not be the jungle but the home of love.

The love of Christ Jesus inspires us. Are you willing to open your life, live this love, and be a blessing to others? Rainbow Missions sincerely invites you to walk with us. If you are willing to support our ministries in China, please send an email to rainbow@therainbows.org for more information, or send checks payable to “Rainbow Missions” directly to Rainbow Missions at PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015.  Please indicate “Operation fund”, “Short Term Service Trip (STST)” or “Sponsorship”, and please include your email address for a donation receipt. Thank you!






漸漸,我長大成人。認識了我的妻子,她願意嫁給我, 這讓我有了一絲希望。我和妻子有了一個家,我們願意好好照顧家庭,給孩子們完整的愛,一個溫暖的家。大女兒上小學之後,妻子有了二胎。二女兒春宇出生時也是一個健康可愛的孩子。只是當她半歲時突然發高燒,癲癇和腦癱是高燒的後遺症。被醫生通知時,我的世界崩潰了!

誰能告訴我為什麼?這孩子有什麼錯?縱然我被父母親拋棄,這一切的苦我來受就好了,為何讓我的女兒也要經歷這樣慘不人道 的痛苦?

可是,生活有時可以像華麗的長袍,你想如何點綴展現都可以;生活也可以如洪水猛獸般,瞬間張開血盆大口沖到你的面前,張開獠牙準備吞吃你!我無暇沉浸在悲痛之中,四處借錢,找醫院,找醫生,想給女兒治療。可是腦癱太難治,治愈恢復如正常兒童的可能性微乎其微。孩子能完全自理就已經是奇跡了。家裡在鄉下,要去市裡的醫院治療,需要租房子,付藥費,病房費用,手術費,這些加在一起,對我來說簡直就是天文數字。當我小心翼翼去問親戚鄰居們借錢時,他們都拒絕了。其實我本來就不抱太大的希望,只是當他們帶著冷漠的眼神,像看怪物一樣看我女兒時,甚至說,我和我的一家是被咒詛的時候,頭頂的天,感覺離我越來越近,壓得我喘不過氣來。這時,我聽到有人建議,把春宇扔了吧。找個遠點的地方,放路邊,自生自滅吧。反正再生一個,豈不是又解決了麻煩,又多個希望。我看著妻子,她眼裡滿是淚水。懷裡的春宇,她的小手軟軟的,熱熱的貼著我,完全信賴的靠著我,偶爾她會醒來哭。但只要聽到我和妻子的聲音和安慰,她就漸漸安靜下來,安心的睡覺。這是我的孩子。我做不到丟棄她!有那麼一刻,我是動搖的。一輩子照顧她,家裡永遠過不上安寧的日子,我們老了,死了, 姐姐出嫁了,誰願意照顧她?可是,丟了她,我良心不安啊。是的, 我不能像自己的父母親一樣,說不要就不要了。只要有一個口氣在,她都是我的孩子!

為了來錢快,我四處找可以立即賺錢的工作,只要工資多一些。沒醫療保險、養老保險也無所謂,暫時忍一忍。女兒的生命得以延續是最重要的。於是我找到工地裡的臨時建築工作。搬運水泥,磚瓦,搭建房子。每天早上6點就趕去工地,中午隨便扒兩口飯,馬上開工,晚上9點回家。一個星期一天也不能休息。到了家裡,累得不想說話,只想睡。可一閉上眼睛:小時候父母離開我,親戚們的冷漠,女兒每天不能吃東西,不能說話,上廁所。大女兒上學要交學費,房子快到期馬上要交房租。妻子不能工作了,要24小時看顧著春宇。我得趕緊多做點工作,雖然力氣不大,多搬些東西,力氣應該能練出來。這麼想著,想著,突然發現天已經快亮了。就這樣,我常常睡不著。但只要有力氣,我就要去賺錢。可是體力勞動不是一輩子能依靠的。總有一天,我會老去,老到東西都吃不動的時候。春宇可怎麼辦?我需要再學習,掌握一技之長,於是我報名了汽車維修班,希望先學得一些技能,但汽車維修廠卻不要我這樣大把年紀學歷又低的人, CZ也沒幾家電器維修,汽車維修的門店。有些因為生意不好都關了。這裡大部分,不是老人,就是小孩,年輕人都跑去大城市工作了。我不知道自己在這裡能否找到一個更好一點的工作,能讓我有多一點的時間可以陪伴家人。但我一定要努力,直到我真的再也走不動的時候再說。妻子一直給我鼓勵,讓我積極一些,我也已經決定一生將照顧春宇,看到春宇在安琪之家、彩虹工程的幫助之下情况有些改善,我似乎也看到了一點希望,每每想到這裡,我也有了點心力,可以稍微深呼一口氣,感受一下身邊的陽光和空氣,世界可以是那麼美好。




基督耶穌的愛激勵我們,您願意敞開您的生命,把這一份愛活出來,成為別人的祝福嗎? 彩虹工程摯誠邀請你與我們同行,倘若你願意在金錢上支持服務隊或捐款幫助更多像春宇一樣的孩子及他們的家庭,請聯絡我們 (206)-734-7000或致電郵rainbows@therainbows.org 索取更多有關資訊,或直接把支票 (抬頭請寫Rainbow Missions)寄往Rainbow Missions, PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015,及註明「機構發展「短期服務」或「助學計劃」,並請填寫電郵地址,以便寄發捐款收據。謝謝!