The Long Road to Recovery|Rainbow Missions

Written by Dong

I am the mother of a child with autism.  He was diagnosed having autism six years ago, July 2012.  I struggled having a child with this condition.  It caused me much pain and despair not knowing how to help him.  I decided we needed professional help so I enrolled my son in anestablished rehabilitation institution in the city.  The school is famous in our area.  It is known for having knowledgeable teachers who work with many students.  Each child is required to be accompanied by a parent.  I attended class each day because my husband needed to work to support our family.  The school offered a variety of courses: language, cognitive learning, art, and music classes.  Initially I didn’t see much change in my son’s ability to communicate but eventually, through the teacher’s guidance, he gradually increased his ability to pronounce words.  I was so excited with his progress; I thought that if we could communicate with each other, then we will have a better future.  The truth was, I didn’t know much about autism or how it affects children differently.  I was ignorant and didn’t realize that I needed to learn how autism impacts a child’s behavior and emotions.   

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Day after day I took him to school thinking that the teacher would rehabilitate my child.  He progressed in his ability to communicate, however, his behavior and emotions became very unstable.  He started crying in public and frequently lost his temper, which caused me to become nervous.  He needed me to provide correct intervention but I didn’t have the skills to help him.   

My husband suffers from a variety of diseases.  He often goes to the hospital; he doesn’t receive support from any of his relatives.  This difficult family situation started to impact me.  I became lonely and felt desperate and hopeless.  I became ill and was diagnosed having an anxiety disorder.  The disorder was due to not being able to help my son and the financial strain of paying his tuition on top of other life expenses.  I considered having my son drop out of school because of the financial strain.  There were days I didn’t dare leave my home; I laid in bed without the willingness or strength to get up.  I just peered out the window looking at nothing in particular.   

My anxiety disorder hurt my son because he became trapped at home not able to release his pent-up energy.  He started crying, often in the middle of the night.  Many times he would cry himself to sleep due to exhaustion.  This was my life for the first five years after I learned that my son was diagnosed with autism.  I didn’t want to think what the future could bring because I was trapped in the hopelessness of the past.   

August 2017, I moved my child to Angel House for treatment.  He received professional treatment and I wasn’t required to accompany him daily.  It gave me some much needed time and space.  The weekly parent class was very helpful.  I learned that autism impacts each child differently and they provided me methods to help parent my son.  The sisters even came to my home and provided personal training and even helped me clean my home.  I was so touched by their caring and thoughtfulness.  The teachers also provided me psychological counseling.  I started seeing a glimmer of hope.  I now feel that I am on the road to recovery.  I feel that Angel House gave me support like a large family.  I’m no longer helpless and my anxiety improved.   

The leaders of Angel House learned of our financial struggles; they worked with Rainbow Missions to help offset the cost of our son’s tuition.  We were so happy that he would be able to continue his training.  I am confident that he is on the right path to recovery.  I need to practice the techniques taught me so that I can improve communicating with my son.  I have learned so much from my pain and sadness.  I hope that no one else will have to go through the pain and despair that I have experienced.  I am in a better situation; I love my new wonderful life.  In the future, I want to help other children and their families who are in need.  I am also incredibly grateful for the support provided to me through Angel House and Rainbow Missions.  My family now lives each day with gratitude.  We are not alone learning how to cope with an autistic family member.  I hope that Angel House will become stronger and larger so that they can help more children and their families who struggle with autism.  Thank you!   

The love of Christ Jesus inspires us to serve the disabled.  Are you willing to share your life to be a blessing to others?  Rainbow Missions invites you to partner with us so that we can bless disabled children and their families in China.  There are many children and families in need.  Please consider joining one of our service teams or donate to help make a difference in a child’s life.  Please contact us at (206)-734-7000 or email for more information about the short-term service team.  You may send a check directly to Rainbow Missions, PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015, please specify “Short Term Service Trip” or fund poor students, and please provide your email address. Thank you! 


我是一名自閉症患兒的母親,我的孩子是在六年前,即2012年7月被確診的,在經歷了一番驚愕、失落、痛苦、絕望、掙扎之後,毅然的領他走入了康復之路。我們去了一所本市建校最早的康復機構,這個學校聲名在外,師資力量雄厚,孩子也特別多,每個孩子都會由一名家長陪同訓練。因為我的愛人需要掙錢養家。所以,從那時起,我就天天領著孩子訓練。在學校裡各種課程五花八門:語言課、認知課、美術課、音樂課、沙盤課。起初,孩子從無語言,通過老師的指導,慢慢的有音出來了。當時,我很興奮,認為孩子只要會說話了,將來就會慢慢好起來的。其實當時的我對這個疾病,還是不了解,甚至都沒有想到自己要好好學習一下正確的干預方法,就這樣,由我帶著他起早貪黑,日復一日的進行康復訓練。當時我心裡壓力很大,一方面是孩子,他需要正確的干預方法,但還沒找到。雖然只有語言上的進步,但是行為、情緒上極其不穩定,時常在公眾場合哭鬧、發脾氣,這讓我精神很緊張。另一方面來自於家庭,孩子的父親患有多種疾病,經常出入醫院 ,身邊也沒有親人的關照和幫助。我當時總是感覺很孤單、很無助、很絕望。就這樣,我也病倒了。通過檢查才發現自己患了一種病,一種焦慮症。病得很嚴重的時候,我連家門都不敢出,天天在床上躺著,沒有精神更沒有力氣,總是望著窗戶發呆。最可憐的是孩子也被困在家裡,他的精力得不到釋放,經常半夜起來,然後大哭,哭累了再睡。這段艱難的歲月發生在一年前,是領他康復的第五個年頭。五年,對於自閉症患者來說,只是生命中的一小部分。但是,五年就可以摧垮一位患兒的母親。將來的路要怎樣走,想都不敢想。 

 就在這個時候,天使之家幫助了我,他們時常來到家裡看望我, 教我一些訓練的方法,還幫我打掃,讓我十分感動。彩虹工程的老師和志願者也來到家裡,給我做心理疏導,慢慢我又能夠看到了一絲絲的希望。 


 中間也有一段時間因為學費的問題想過退學,因為像我這種家庭是頂著兩種壓力的:精神壓力、經濟壓力。後來又是彩虹工程和中心的好心人伸出了援手,幫助了我們、資助了學費,讓孩子和我沒有離開這個群體,讓孩子能夠繼續在正確的康復之路上進行訓練 。 同時,我也要學好學習理論,並且希望能盡快的實踐出來,也能活出自己的精彩。 盼望將來有一天,我也有能力去幫助更多的孩子,幫助更多有需要的人。因為我自己這一路走來所經歷的痛苦、心酸、苦楚,希望不要有人像我這般經歷。同時,我也很感激和感恩。我也是幸運的人,能夠認識天使之家和彩虹工程,謝謝!在將來的日子裡,我會好好的愛孩子、愛家庭,心懷感恩去過每一天。孤獨症的康復路上並不孤獨。 


 基督耶穌的愛激勵我們,您願意敞開您的生命,把這一份愛活出來,成為別人的祝福嗎? 彩虹工程摯誠邀請你與我們同行,倘若你願意在金錢上支持服務隊或捐款幫助更多像他一樣的孩子,請聯絡我們 (206)-734-7000或致電郵 索取更多有關短期服務隊的資訊,或直接把支票寄往Rainbow Missions, PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015,請註明「短期服務STST」或資助貧困學生,並請填寫電郵地址。謝謝!